Doctors & Medical Professionals

In family law matters, Doctors & Medical Professionals frequently encounter complexities in relation to the valuation of medical practices and associated entities disclosure, division of other assets, and spousal maintenance.
male doctor standing in medical practice in white coat

We assist specialist doctors, including orthopaedic surgeons, anesthetists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, dentists, psychiatrists, neurologists, cardiologists, and general practitioners, or their spouses, many of whom run their own medical practices.

Common Issues or Challenges

Doctors and medical professionals, or their spouses, face unique challenges due to the complex nature of their financial and personal situations, such as:
  • Complex asset structures including self-managed super funds (SMSFs) and Family Trusts

  • Financial disclosure obligations

  • Valuation of sole trader practices, service entities, companies and trusts

  • Determining appropriate spousal maintenance, particularly when the spouse is involved in the business 

  • Parenting arrangements, including live with and spend time with arrangements for children, choice of schools, and extracurricular activities, often balancing these needs with demanding work schedules

  • Control of the practice post-separation, especially when the spouse has been involved

We have more Accredited Specialists in Family Law than 99% of all law firms in NSW.

Ways We Help: Common Solutions, Strategies, or Outcomes Sought

  • Identification and due diligence of complex asset structures, 
  • Assessing self-managed super funds (SMSFs) including valuation of assets and compliance, 
  • Engaging expert forensic accountants to value medical practices, service entities, trusts, and SMSFs, 
  • Compliance with financial disclosure obligations, including identifying and tracing of assets, 
  • Filing subpoenas where there are issues of financial disclosure and where necessary engaging specialists including to trace cryptocurrency, 
  • Identifying possible tax implications from a property settlement and coordinating tax advisors and financial planners to implement tax minimisation strategies, 
  • Structuring spousal maintenance and property settlements to reflect the spouse’s contribution and future financial security, 
  • Assisting in the preparation of parenting agreements that accommodate work demands,  
  • Advising on overseas travel arrangements and securing permission for international holidays with children, 
  • Representation at mediation to resolve parenting, and financial disputes to avoid litigation where possible, 
  • When necessary, representation in litigation including strategy planning and preparation of case theory to achieve a favourable outcome. 

Your First Step in Your Family Law Journey

Make a Smart Start

  • 90-minute appointment with a Specialist Family Lawyer
  • Get all your questions answered and understand applicable Family Law processes
  • Comprehensive on-the-spot legal advice tailored to your circumstances
  • Develop a plan to secure your best future
  • $350 Fixed Fee (incl GST)