
Recently separated parents need to resolve parenting arrangements for time with their children (for example regular time with their children and holiday schedules), decision-making authority and other issues such as relocation issues.

We assist parents who are navigating the complexities of separation or divorce while prioritising the well-being of their children.  

These parents are often focused on ensuring stability, security, and the best possible outcomes for their children during this challenging time.  

Key issues for parents include deciding where the children live, how important decisions about their upbringing are made, and resolving disputes about their day-to-day care. 

Common Issues or Challenges

Parents often face specific legal challenges, including:
  • Determining parenting arrangements, including where the children will live and how time is shared between parents

  • Resolving issues surrounding decision-making authority which encompasses critical aspects of the children’s lives, such as education and healthcare

  • Arranging holidays, including domestic and international travel, and ensuring these plans are in the best interests of the children

  • Seeking recovery of children when one parent withholds them either in breach of existing agreements or Orders or where no Order or agreement exists

  • Navigating relocation issues, especially when one parent wants to move with the children to a new city, state, or country 

We have more Accredited Specialists in Family Law than 85% of all law firms in NSW.

Ways We Help: Common Solutions, Strategies, or Outcomes Sought

  • Providing realistic expert legal advice and developing an early strategy tailored to each family’s circumstances,  
  • Helping parents understand their rights and obligations regarding parenting arrangements in the context of what you and your children need, 
  • Representing parents at mediations to resolve disputes amicably and focus on the children’s best interests without the need for Court involvement, 
  • Negotiating parenting plans and consent orders to formalize living arrangements, decision-making and other issues relevant to your family, 
  • Advocacy in Court proceedings for parenting Orders, ensuring that the children’s best interests are the top priority, 
  • Advising on whether grounds of appeal exist following your recent Court outcome, 
  • Acting swiftly in urgent Court proceedings for the recovery of children when one parent withholds them or relocates without consent or where risk issues have arisen, 
  • Advising on whether there are grounds to make a fresh application for the variation of existing final Orders, 
  • Representing parents in contravention proceedings before the Family Court to enforce existing Orders when one party fails to comply with existing parenting Orders. 

Your First Step in Your Family Law Journey

Make a Smart Start

  • 90-minute appointment with a Specialist Family Lawyer
  • Get all your questions answered and understand applicable Family Law processes
  • Comprehensive on-the-spot legal advice tailored to your circumstances
  • Develop a plan to secure your best future
  • $350 Fixed Fee (incl GST)