Separated and living under the one roof – Can we Divorce?

In short – yes, you can divorce whilst living under the same roof.

Why separate and live under the same roof?

Separating under one roof has risen in popularity in Australia in recent years.

This has been attributed to a rise in the cost of living, the financial pressures of maintaining two separate households, a nationwide housing crisis, a period of high inflation and more flexible approaches to cohabitation after divorce and separation, especially when children are involved.

Legally, what does Separation Under One Roof mean?

Separation under one roof is when parties to a marriage separate but continue to live in the same home. It may be for a few days, weeks, months or years following separation.

Parties will often continue living under one roof for a number of reasons, including financial constraints or considerations, meeting the needs of shared children or simply because it’s not practical for either party to move out immediately.

For parties to be separated under one roof, both must acknowledge that the relationship has irretrievably broken down.

Whilst both parties are not required to agree to a separation (i.e. you can separate from your partner without their consent), you are required to tell your partner that you are separating from them.

What do I need to do?

If you and your former partner have lived under the same roof during part, or all of the 12 months immediately prior to the filing of the Application for Divorce, then you will need to provide the Court with additional information by way of an affidavit to satisfy the Court that your relationship has, in fact, irretrievably broken down.

An experienced Family Lawyer will ensure that your affidavit  includes aspects around your living arrangements,  your sleeping arrangements along with additional information that the court will require.

It is worthwhile engaging a Solicitor to assist in this process because if you do not satisfy the court that you are separated whilst living under the same roof, the Court may well not grant your Application for Divorce. This will mean that you may forfeit the filing fee and you may need to re-file the Application for Divorce in the future.

A divorce is the formal legal ending of a marriage.

Importantly, divorce is separate and distinct from a property settlement and parenting arrangements. It relates only to the formal legal ending of a marriage. However, the divorce can have an implication or effect on parenting and property arrangements. The divorce may also have implications for the operation of your will when you pass away.

Accordingly, it is important that you obtain advice from a family law specialist prior to signing any legal documents.

Tips for Living Under the Same Roof After Separation

Separation under one roof can be difficult for all involved. You should ensure that your safety and privacy is prioritised.

Some tips to achieve this include:

  1. Lock all electronic devices with a secure password or passcode.
  2. Change your password on all emails, social media accounts and electronic devices.
  3. Keep your mail, emails and correspondence from your legal representative in a safe place away from your former partner. This may mean that you establish a PO box nearby or you have your mail delivered to your workplace.
  4. If you are staying in your own separate bedroom, consider obtaining a lock for the door, and ensure that all of your items are held in your room.

Seeking Legal Advice for Separation Under One Roof

Separation under one roof can be a complex and sensitive issue.

Seeking specialist Family Law advice early is crucial to ensure informed decisions can be made from the beginning and you have the support you need to progress as smoothly as possible through your family law journey.

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The information in this article is not legal advice and is intended to provide commentary and general information only. It should not be relied upon or used as a definitive or complete statement of the relevant law. You should obtain formal legal advice specific to your particular circumstance. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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