Podcast: A step-by-step guide to Divorce from Family Lawyer, Anna Roberts

Are you in an unhappy or unhealthy marriage, and have been thinking about separation? If you’re unsure of the first steps to take, or what might be ahead of you, be sure to listen to this enlightening interview with Family Lawyer, Anna Roberts.

One of the ‘most asked’ Anonymous questions in the North Shore Mums Facebook group are around relationship and marriage issues. These can vary from women who want to leave a loveless marriage, right through to women who feel trapped in a marriage that they feel they cannot escape.

To help our members get the correct advice they need in the early stages, Rachel and Sarah spoke to Family Lawyer Anna Roberts, from Delaney Roberts Family Lawyers, to ask all those common questions. After years of working with people experiencing separation, Anna knows how important it is to start the separation process in a strong, informed and clear-minded place.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • Should you always appoint a family lawyer?
  • Do all cases need to go to court, or are they resolved beforehand?
  • How much would you expect to pay to see a family lawyer?
  • What if you can’t afford a lawyer? Are there any free services for people who are financially struggling?
  • How can you leave a narcissistic partner?
  • Some couples decide to separate but stay living under the one roof. Does ‘nesting’ work?
  • How you can get early funds from the property pool if you don’t have an income.
  • Should you stay in the family home or move out?
  • How to get an AVO.

Listen to the interview

Watch a snippet from the interview

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The information in this article is not legal advice and is intended to provide commentary and general information only. It should not be relied upon or used as a definitive or complete statement of the relevant law. You should obtain formal legal advice specific to your particular circumstance. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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