Book a Mediation

Book today and fast track your negotiations with a mediation.

Solicitors Book Your Mediation

Please call us on 1300 760 773 or complete the form below to book your Mediation.

November Special: Save 50% on Mediations booked and held in November 2024, enquire now!

Solicitor Details

Clients Details

Other Side Details

Mediation Type


Preferred Mediator

Preferred Dates

If you have preferred dates or any information pertaining to timings for the Mediation please include these here.
I acknowledge this service is intended for Mediations where both parties are legally represented.

Our Mediators

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Simone Johnson

Simone is an Associate Solicitor in our family law team and an accredited mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP). Simone uses her knowledge and understanding of the family law system to assist parties reach amicable and child-focused solutions. Where possible, Simone assists parties to keep their matters out of Court. Simone is available to conduct mediations either in person in the Newcastle region or remotely via Zoom.


Qualified Mediators

Linsey Wilson

Linsey is a Principal Solicitor and Accredited Specialist in Family Law. Linsey uses her extensive advocacy experience and knowledge of the family law Court system to assist parties mediate their family law disputes. Linsey mediates both parenting and property disputes. Linsey uses her effective communication skills to assist parties in understanding the process and expectations of the Court when settling both litigated and non-litigated matters. Linsey is available to conduct mediations in person in the Newcastle region, and electronically via Zoom.

Clare McAteer

Clare is a Senior Associate Solicitor in our family law team as well as an accredited mediator. Clare’s bubbly and approachable personality together with her strong understanding of family law issues make her a highly sought after family law mediator. With many years of experience in both litigated and non-litigated matters, Clare loves helping parties reach a cost-effective resolution to their family law dispute. Clare mediates both parenting and property disputes and is available to conduct mediations in person in the Newcastle region, and electronically via Zoom.


Our Fixed Fee for Property or Parenting Mediation services includes:

Full day Mediation with a Specialist Family Law Mediator
Coordinating suitable Mediation time with all parties
Assessment of suitable Mediation format
Recommendation of required support, if any
Section 60I Certificate*
Total Per Party (incl GST)                                                                 $1,650

*If Party B does not attend Mediation, Party A will receive the Section 60I Certificate at a cost of $550.

**For Mediations held in Sydney an additional $550 Mediator travel fee applies.

Payment Terms

1.1 Parties agree to pay:

(a) the Price, by the earlier of the date of Mediation and within seven (7) days of receipt of a Tax Invoice, and

(b) all other amounts which become due and payable under this Agreement, within seven (7) days of receipt of a Tax Invoice.

1.2 Subject to clause 1.3, the Price is $1,650.00 incl GST (per party), which includes a full day Mediation.

1.3 The following additional fees and charges are payable by the Parties, as relevant:

(a) additional hours spent in Mediation beyond those specified in clauses 1.2 and 1.3, as relevant – $220.00 incl GST per hour (per party);

(b) if we prepare Family Court Orders in the terms of the agreement reached at Mediation – $1,500.00 incl GST (per party); and

(c) if we file a Family Court Order, filing fee – $200.00.

1.4 Where a Mediation does not proceed because a Party is entitled to receive a Section 60I Certificate, we will issue a Section 60I Certificate at a cost of $550.00 incl GST to the respective party(s).

1.5 The Parties will be required to execute a formal Mediation Agreement prior to the commencement of the Mediation.

Specialist Family Law Mediators for Sydney and Newcastle

Make a Fresh Start. Contact Us Today
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Solicitor Director
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner