Receiving an inheritance during a relationship may have an impact on the overall division you receive as a result of your property settlement.
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Can my ex-spouse take my Inheritance in a Property Settlement?
Receiving an inheritance during a relationship may have an impact on the overall division you receive as a result of your property settlement.

Does Cheating Affect a Family Law Property Settlement?
Infidelity is a major cause of divorce or separation in Australia.

Types of Family Law Court Events & What to Expect
The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia is the national Court which hears all family law matters. There are a number of Court events which litigated family law matters will progress through to reach a final outcome.

The 50/50 Myth in Divorce: Will my ex Wife/ Husband Automatically receive 50% of the Joint Asset Pool at Separation?
Learn how assets are divided after divorce in Australia. Debunk the 50/50 myth and understand key factors influencing asset splits.

Family Law Matters: A Guide for Medical Professionals
Doctors and medical professionals, such as Dentists and Anesthetists, face unique challenges in their family law matters because of their high incomes, the complex structure of their assets and their demanding work schedules that can impact upon parenting arrangements.

How Long Does It Take To Get Family Law Court Orders? What To Expect If You Are Considering Commencing Court Proceedings For Family Law Matters
Regardless of whether you have a parenting or property matter, commencing Court proceedings can seem like a complicated, lengthy and expensive process.

What is a Family Law Mediation and what to expect?
In family law, mediation typically focuses on two main areas: property matters and parenting arrangements. Each has its own processes, considerations, and requirements.

MythBusters: Seven Common misconceptions about Family Law
Family Law matters can be complex and emotionally challenging for separating couples, children and others close to them.

Supporting First Responders in Family Law Matters: Parenting and Property Issues
Our Specialist Family Lawyers are experienced in dealing with first responders or their spouses who have separated and, can offer invaluable support in navigating the complexities of both parenting and property matters.

Top five considerations when preparing a Financial Agreement or “Prenup” before a marriage or de facto relationship
As couples seek to protect their assets and ensure a fair and equitable financial arrangement in the event of a separation, Prenups offer a tailored solution that address individual needs.

A Simple Guide to Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance is covered by the Family Law Act 1975, and this guide will explain what it is, how it works, and who might be eligible.

Understanding the difference between Financial Agreements (“BFAs”), Termination Agreements, and Prenuptial Agreements
Understanding what each of these agreements entails, when they should be used, and how they differ is crucial. This article will guide you through the distinctions between these key legal documents, helping you make informed decisions that suit your unique circumstances.